Why Setting Boundaries Will Make You A Better Business Owner
Learning how to set productive boundaries has been a work in progress. Most entrepreneurs struggle with a work-life balance because their work is their life, and their life is their work! Setting your schedule can have its pros and cons. In this week’s female founder series, Michelle Hanna & Liz Choi, founders of the full service wedding and event company Love Wildly Co, shared that to grow the business, they had to say no. These two powerhouse women shared that besides self-care, they learned that saying no or putting a ceiling on the amount of work that they received gave them extra time to recharge and connect with their families! Setting boundaries will make you a better business owner and help you more in control of your time.
Do you struggle to set boundaries? If yes, you’re not alone. This has been something I’ve struggled with most of my life.
I would say yes to things because otherwise, I would feel like a “bad person” for saying no. But in the end, I would end up overbooking and feeling resentful. Sound familiar?
Learning how to set productive boundaries has been a work in progress. Most entrepreneurs struggle with a work-life balance because their work is their life, and their life is their work! Setting your schedule can have its pros and cons.
In this week’s female founder series, Michelle Hanna & Liz Choi, founders of the full service wedding and event company Love Wildly Co, shared that to grow the business, they had to say no. These two powerhouse women shared that besides self-care, they learned that saying no or putting a ceiling on the amount of work that they received gave them extra time to recharge and connect with their families.
This is not an easy feat. It’s HARD TO SAY NO- especially while growing a business. But boundaries are good! Brene Brown says it best when she states compassionate people set limits!
I often keep that sentence in the back of my mind when I’m feeling the pressure on making decisions that involve other people. I always ask myself before I make a business decision, “how does this relate to my bigger picture and my why?” This helps me choose priorities that are congruent to my purpose. I do agree saying yes to opportunities can help you learn and navigate the business world. I would also say that sometimes we take on too much which then impedes on us taking actual action.
When our lists are too long it can feel overwhelming to work on our projects. Learning how to set boundaries can absolutely expand your business. I recently heard that Jenna Kutcher worked the least amount of the hours this year after having her daughter and MADE THE MOST amount of money. She chose to find more balance and invest in projects and business opportunities that fulfilled her purpose rather than just doing them to do them.
I really enjoyed reading through his feature! Michelle & Liz commented on how wonderful it has been to have worked together after so many years of friendship. They also talk about what it was like growing the business while they were still at their 9-5’s. I think this is an important thing to discuss because majority of us can’t just jump at quitting our jobs. We have to be building while we are working. These savvy partners made sure to have a solid foundation under their belts before they truly took it to the next level.
Michelle & Liz do incredible work and their clients would completely agree! Do you have an event coming up and would like to learn more about Love Wildly Co you can visit their website by clicking here and under the contact us form send in an inquiry. If you are interested in collaborating with amazing duo feel free to email them at hello@lovewildlyco.com or check out their Instagram & Facebook pages!
Please welcome Love Wildly Co!
What is YOUR story!? Tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.
Love Wildly Co was birthed out of a place where we were searching for an outlet to create. Our inspiration came from a personal need to create plus a seen opportunity to use our gifts to build a business for our families. We have been best friends for over 18 years and despite what so many told us about the dangers of friends going into business together, we have yet to touch those bounds. We decided early on that business or no business, our friendship would be our priority. Through the founding first years, where things are usually the hardest, we have managed to maintain our promise to each other. Sounds cheesy, but we couldn’t have picked a better half to run this business and do life with! We continue to inspire and challenge each other through the ups and downs of both our personal and business life which makes running LWC fun and exciting every time we have an event, strategy meetings, or when we get together to go eat Shabu Shabu.
The first year, we did all that we could to gain experience. We worked at no cost and made all the mistakes we needed to make so that we could lay down a solid foundation for the years ahead. We asked hard questions, we cried, we fought, we laughed a lot, and learned quickly. The second year, we rebranded our company from True Events Co to Love Wildly Co. We wanted to rebrand to really give our business a name that we live and stand by. We felt that giving an identity to our business would help us to continue to build a stronger business and connection to our clients & vendors. We did a lot of marketing and ground work in the second year. Any convention we could showcase our work, we booked! Photoshoots and collaborations with other vendors helped structure our business and set it up for success. Lots of dreaming here and of course we doubled in our sales (insert praise hands here)!!! Then, here we are in our third year and looking back, we have been so blessed with the most amazing clients. It takes a lot to plan one of the most memorable days of your life and we get the honor and privilege of being entrusted with all the details.
This gives us purpose and we are beyond grateful for all our past, present, and future clients who let us share in these moments with them. Dreaming was done and now in our third year, we are taking real steps to make them a reality. We have a dream of becoming a one-stop-shop for our clients and bring everything in house. This year, we have incorporated paper good such as invites, escort cards, table numbers, save the dates, menus, seating charts, welcome signs, etc. We have also added custom signage! Soon, we will add florals to our list of services. Florals have been fun to learn but very challenging. Which tells us that we are going in the right direction. We never want to stop growing or become comfortable. We want to continue dreaming and learning to become the best versions of ourselves but also the best version of Love Wildly Co for our clients. So please continue to support and follow our journey on IG @lovewildlyco. We so appreciate you all!
Michelle Hanna, co-founder Love Wildly Co
Tell us more about your business and what you do!
We are a full-service event planning and designing company. Our clients reach out to us when they are trying to plan an event for special occasions. Most find areas of challenge whether it’s trying to design the space, logistical challenges, or finding the right vendors to bring their vision together. Many of our clients do not have the luxury of time due to their professional and personal lives and they need someone to take over. Our goal is to ease the stress and make sure they remember how fun and amazing their event was.
We are proud of what our company stands for. We work with integrity and go above and beyond for our clients. We are known for our excellent customer service and response time. Ask anyone!
Looking back would you do anything different?
We both agree that working for someone in the industry to learn the groundwork and best practices would have been beneficial. It would have saved a lot of hours and heartache, but we learned a lot from our mistakes and grew from them. Thats all that matters, right?
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
The freedom to be as creative and push our limits to whatever we want.
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
Our favorite moments will probably have to be those late nights we stayed up after our 9-5PM job to create a business plan and the basic foundations for our event planning business. There were many times we only had a couple hours or sleep but our most favorite thing to do during these brainstorming sessions was to eat delicious foods, snacks, and desserts. We are foodies!
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
Owning your own business can be lonely at times. Especially when you’re fixing issues and trying to find solutions. Sure, we have each other but sometimes we are lost and have no idea what we are doing. In those cases, we must make sure to support and build confidence in each other so we can bring our A Game. That’s what we do, fix problems and make sure our clients are happy.
What about some of the challenges you face as a female entrepreneur?
The industry that we are in is predominantly female so it’s been amazing to be supported by many woman and have that community behind us. The hardest part for us as female entrepreneurs is finding that work/life balance so we can make time for our families. We have a huge responsibly to our husbands and children and also to our clients and business. We’ve learned that sometimes saying “no” or putting a ceiling on amount of work that we receive can give us the extra time we need to recharge and connect with our families.
Advice for other other female entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
Be Confident, Be Strong and just GO for it.
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Always ask, you will never know if you never ask.
What is your favorite quote?
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Liz Choi, co-founder of Love Wildly Co
How do you avoid burnout?
We must make a conscious effort to take a rest day at least once a week to unwind and turn off our phones. In addition, we treat each other out to massages, shopping, and eating delicious foods without conversations about work. We are very in tuned with each other’s needs since we are best friends and make sure we connect to that space often.
We know all entrepreneurs work differently. How do you schedule your day?
In our line of work, prepping for the day is essential. When you have 8 events to plan for at the same time, it can get overwhelming, so we make sure to plan out big projects months in advance, meetings and phone calls weeks in advance, and daily tasks the night before. This way we are setup for success in a organized manner and we can knock out those TO DO items.
What are your MUST have tools?! (things like organization, calendars, social media, payment platforms, business development sources...etc.)
Honeybook is our business mangement tool. It allows us to email clients, book them, create proposals, sign clients, process payment, and many more business related items.
Wix.com is our website server. Its very important to have a website to help support your business and display to clients your credibility
Dropbox is a wonderful software we use to save client photos, documents, and a shared space between clients and our team.
Gmail suite is a must for us! We use google docs 110% of the time when we plan with our clients.
Instagram/Facebook is used for all of our social media efforts.
Yelp/Knot is a space for us to show other potential clients our work based on customer reviews.
Time Tree is a shared calendar we both use to show current events, meetings, phone calls, etc.
How do you advertise your brand?
Yelp, The Knot, Instagram, Facebook, expo/conventions, and styled shoots!
I love that Michelle & Liz talk about prepping prior to their events and planning ahead. I think that this is a great tip that we can all adapt. Think of it like meal prepping. How much more organized and in control do you feel when Monday rolls around? Something I’ve been trying to do in my own business is batch planning. If you are unfamiliar batch planning or batch writing is taking one or two days and knocking out a bunch of the same time of work rather than spreading it out. It can be hard to find the time to do this but I promise you it.is.worth.it.
I hope you enjoyed today’s feature! Only 2 more to go in this female founder’s series!
As always if you have questions & comments about Leader of the Pax and how you can work with us - drop a line below!
Here's How To Stop "Shoulding" On Yourself.
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. How many times do use at least one of those words a day? I know I’m often kicking myself in regards to the stuff I wish I could do different now. Because let’s be real hindsight is always 20/20. The woulda, coulda, shoulda mindset is extremely limiting because we can’t go back and change what has already happened. We can only move forward. On today’s blog I write about ways to start challenging these thought patterns and steps that you can take today. You can also ask today’s founder, April Mosebrook, as she learned how to maneuver around that mindset and take action! She is the founder of @BucketListBroadway and the lead singer of her own band April and the Funk Junkies! This creative genius went out of her comfort zone, learned how to build her business, asked for help along the way, and poured every ounce of passion into this project.
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.
How many times do you use at least one of those words a day? I know I’m often kicking myself in regards to the stuff I wish I could do different now. Because let’s be real hindsight is always 20/20.
The shoulda, coulda, woulda mindset is extremely limiting because we can’t go back and change what has already happened. We can only move forward.
It’s completely natural to reflect on the past and learn from the missteps. But we wouldn’t have known unless we had made that decision in the first place.
Sometimes regret can be a motivator. A client once shared with me that she had an opportunity to try out to a be a yoga teacher and she didn’t audition for a number of reasons but mostly because she was scared she wouldn’t get hired. When we started working together she told me that she was fully committed to growing her business because she never wanted to feel that shoulda, coulda, woulda feeling again.
How many times in your life have you limited yourself because of fear?
It’s easy to get locked into what we SHOULD/COULD/WOULD have done looking back. An article Susan Kelley from the Cornell Chronicle shared that in short term people regret their actions but it’s the inaction that lingers with us for years to come.
The first step to stop shoulding on yourself is to become conscious of the thoughts. “I should have gone to the gym” “If I knew what I knew now, I could have made a better decision” “I would have launched this business sooner if I hadn’t been so scared” Sound familiar?
Once you’re aware you can make the commitment to challenging those shoulda, woulda, coulda thoughts. One way to do this is to LIMIT the words should/could/.would out of your vocabulary - now let’s be real that’s tough to do and you aren’t going to be perfect so think about how you can hold yourself accountable while you work on re-routing your mindset.
Have fun trying different words and forgive yourself if you find yourself in a shoulding or coulding type of mood. Try more empowering phrases like “I am”, “I can”, “I will”. CHALLENGE the thoughts with something more accurate.
Other more tangible action to take is just that- taking action. Setting short term realistic goals can bring confidence and momentum. REMEMBER nothing is perfect & no one is perfect. Taking action will lead you to your next step.
Today’s founder, April Mosebrook, learned how to maneuver around that mindset and take action! She is the founder of Bucket List Broadway and the lead singer of her own band April and the Funk Junkies! I met April back when I was teaching yoga at CorePower Yoga. April is an avid yogi and now teacher. I still remember our conversations as she was parting from her corporate job while we were in the locker room together. Funny how the universe brings us together!
April launched herself into this new beginning. She worked diligently on getting out of her comfort zone, learned how to build her business, asked for help along the way, and poured every ounce of passion into this project. April learned to reframe her limiting beliefs and build a business that she loves. Passion is something that April instills in the decisions she makes in her life whether that is singing, spending time with her family, or with her love of exercise. April’s positive mentality and excitement to bring people together is exactly what is making her life ROCK!
Biggest take away: be like Nike, JUST DO IT.
If you’d like to learn more about participating in Bucket List Broadway and dipping your toe into this creative world take a look at this amazing YouTube video and her website to get inside look! Also you can contact April by email or text: her email is bucketlistbroadway@gmail.com and phone number is 619-726-2817. She is also available by her Facebook page or instagram.
April Mosebrook everyone!
What is YOUR story!? Tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.
I was born and raised in a very small town in Arkansas. I fell in love with singing early on, starting out in church and then branching out to community events, talent shows, and eventually summer theme park performance jobs. I wasn't really exposed to live musical theater because of lack of access, but I always had a flair for the dramatic! I literally wanted to BE Sandy in Grease the movie! During the summer after my sophomore year in college while working at a resort in New Jersey, I experienced my first Broadway show in NYC- a revival of Guys and Dolls. A new obsession was born. I came back to college at the University of Arkansas ready to change the direction of my life by changing my major to musical theater. However, reality didn't quite support my dream, as I was two years into classes supporting a Microbiology degree and was on a 4 year academic scholarship, which would've run out before I was able to get the new degree. So, I took every theater elective I could manage, auditioned for every campus musical I could, and promised myself that someday I would perform one way or another. Over the next few years, I had several performing jobs, one of which allowed me to live and work in Austria and travel throughout Europe. Upon returning to the US, I knew it was time to "get serious" about a career, and put my science degree to use. I had been accepted to dental school but I knew in my heart that I would not be happy (or even good at) fixing people's teeth! So I looked for something that would allow me to use my degree while also being in a competitive environment with plenty of interaction with people. This was when the pharmaceutical world was exploding so I became a sales rep - a job that would take me to Florida and California, would introduce me to the man who became my husband and father of my daughter, AND (after my divorce), the man who is the love of my life and my partner for the last 8+ years. This career path would provide me with a lucrative and stable income, amazing benefits, life long friendships, and a flexible schedule that was great for a mom. There was only one problem: I wasn't passionate about it. I tried to convince myself that, in a way, sales was "performing": I got to be in front of an "audience" of customers, and I even tied in my love for singing by writing songs that sold my products! I also pursued, on a small scale, things that brought me joy, such as yoga and singing in a band. But I still longed for more. In addition to my lack of passion, as the years marched on and times changed, I became more and more disillusioned with the pharma industry itself. This, along with other factors in my personal life, nudged me toward a self care journey in which I working with a resilience coach and a mediation guide. Shortly after beginning this, my company announced that lay offs were coming. I began to meditate upon the concept of having time and space in my life, and visualizing what I would do with it! Dreams of performing and having my own theater business kept resurfacing. I truly believe that this meditation and visualization practice helped me manifest being released from the corporate job that had held me down. In the year that followed, I received a severance pay that allowed me to explore the things that truly brought me joy. I became a certified yoga teacher, took on more responsibility in my role as lead singer of my band, and spent more time with my daughter. I knew there was still more in store for me though. I longed to be create something of my own; to be my own boss; to fashion and mold my dreams into a real business that would bring joy to myself and others. I still wasn't sure what that looked like or how it would manifest but I was open to inspiration. It was around this time that I heard about Broadway Weekends.
How did you get your idea or concept for your business?
So I was driving one day, flipping around on SiriusXM radio, when I stopped on the Broadway channel. There was a young woman talking about a new opportunity in NYC for those who dreamed of performing in musicals but didn't have the outlet. She had created a program called Broadway weekends and likened it to a summer theater camp for adults. OMG. She was talking about AND right to me! This was a bucket list item for me! Right away, I called my college theater friend in Miami and convinced him we had to do it! Throughout the weekend, I just kept thinking, "why wouldn't this work in San Diego?" This was the type of experience I had been CRAVING for years. San Diego has a huge theater presence, both community and professional, but my experience had been that it is hard to break into. And even more importantly for me, even if were to be cast in a show, the time it would take wasn't realistic for me as a mom and a spouse. So I set upon my journey - calling upon two amazing women for advice and support. First was the aforementioned young womanwho started Broadway Weekends, Jeanna De Waal. I wanted to ask for her "blessing" and guidance as I set upon this path. (Fun fact, Jeanna recently starred as the title character in Diana the musical at La Jolla Playhouse and will reprise the role on Broadway. Talk about a bad ass Female Founder! The other was my friend and mentor, theater critic Pat Launer, who connected me with so many people in the theater community, provided invaluable guidance, and suggested the name of Bucket List Broadway! I couldn't have done it without their help! From there, I researched, networked, asked questions, went out of my comfort zone, and poured passion into creating this opportunity so that like minded people could come together and satisfy their craving to perform. Hence, Bucket List Broadway was born.
Tell us more about your business and what you do!
Bucket List Broadway is a workshop during which participants get to explore their passion for performing musical theater by working with local theater professionals in a safe space. BLB'ers are guided thru different sessions, working toward a performance of solos and a group number at the end of the workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring in a solo they would like to work on and the musical director will provide tips, training and guidance to help them grow. We also work on vocals and choreography for the big dance number, as well as spend time on vocal technique, acting skills and movement. The workshop culminates in a "showcase" performance for family and friends during which the participants showcase what they have learned. We welcome any levels of experience (from seasoned performers to brand new explorers) and no auditions or training are required. It really is a beautiful thing to see my fellow Musical Theater lovers as they let go, experience, enjoy, perform, grow, blossom and fully soak up this opportunity. I provide guidance at many levels and play the role of both teacher and participant throughout the weekend.
Bucket List Broadway is a fairly new endeavor, and is the type of experience that will forever be changing to keep up with the needs and desires of each group I work with. Therefore, I know I will be revising, revisiting and morphing the program with each occurrence. I also plan on offering variations, such as special workshops for high school students, and parent/child workshops. I am also planning to offer these as special events to groups who want to set up private workshops.
Looking back would you do anything different?
I used to be the type of person who said "I shoulda, coulda, woulda" about a lot of things in my life. So I sometimes had the tendency to wish that I would have started something sooner! But, luckily, I am quickly able to pull out of that mindset, since I know that this passion could've only come to fruition when I was fully ready for it. The universe gently guided me to this when the time was right and the space was cleared in my life. This dream could have only been fully realized when I was inspired, prepared, and able to fully commit to it.
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
I love being able to create something from the ground up. It is so freeing, fun and satisfying to take my dream and manifest it as reality. Another thing that is nice is that I am in control of my own schedule so that (at least sometimes) I can work around what works for the rest of my life and my family.
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
Two moments stick out in my mind. The first was receiving a phone call from a woman who had seen my promotional appearance on KUSI. I could hear the excitement in her voice and was surprised that she had actually reached ME! (As if I was special or a celebrity or BLB was some huge business!) It was so cute! Her story and her passion were exactly what I had envisioned as the perfect participant in my dream endeavor. The second was the performance at the end of my first workshop. When I stood up to address the crowd, I was overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and happiness. This moment was only surpassed by the joy and pride I felt as the BLB'ers showcased what they had learned. I was blown away by their bravery, their talent, their growth and their enthusiasm.
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
It's interesting....my biggest challenges are born from the things I love the most! Although I love being in charge of my schedule and time, I sometimes have trouble when it comes to focusing and prioritizing. As a mom, spouse, dog owner, yoga teacher, lead singer, volunteer, avid exerciser, lover of life AND entrepreneur, I am constantly being pulled in many directions, as most women are. Also, although I have many years of sales and business experience, this is my first time starting something from scratch, which means there are a lot of things I had to learn from a business perspective.
What about some of the challenges you face as a female entrepreneur?
Luckily, I haven't really faced any challenges from others on the outside yet. I feel that women are finally starting to get the respect we deserve and that it's a great time to be a woman starting a business. Most of my challenges are self imposed - self doubt, fear of failure, what if's -and other things that I place in my own way, and sometimes it seems that these characteristics affect women more often and more profoundly than they do men. But I think women also tend to recognize and deal with these internal challenges more efficiently and honestly.
Advice for other other female entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
Don't get in your own way. The challenges I face are only made bigger when I place limiting thoughts on them or let my fear get in the way. When you experience thoughts of failure, instead of letting them stop you, use them as fuel and reframe the situation. I literally would say to myself - "what's the worst that can happen?" and "if the worst does happen, what does that mean?" And then I decided that even if the worst DID happen, rather than seeing it as a failure, I would reframe it as a moment of growth and a lesson on how to improve for next time.
What is your favorite quote?
"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is YOU. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can" Neil Gaiman
How do you avoid burnout?
My #1 savior from fatigue and burnout is exercise! I am an avid HOT yogi and also enjoy many other physical activities, such as swimming, spinning, running stairs at the beach and hiking. I schedule this time into my day with just as much importance as any other appointments.
We know all entrepreneurs work differently. How do you schedule your day?
I schedule blocks of time to work on the business and try to stick to those, allowing breaks in order to recharge. Each day and week looks different because of where I am in the process of building a workshop and because of my other responsibilities, so I sit down every Sunday night to plan out my week (workouts included!) and make a plan that will maximize my time in the week ahead.
What are your MUST have tools?! (things like organization, calendars, social media, payment platforms, business development sources...etc.)
I am still pretty old fashioned when it comes to planning, so my big ole notebook journal is where I make my to-do lists, jot down my ideas and brainstorm. I put all all my appointments (and sometimes even reminders from my to-do list) on my phone calendar so I always have it right at my fingertips. I feel we are lucky to have social media these days as it is an amazing way to promote without having to spend any or much money!
How do you advertise your brand?
Facebook has certainly been my friend as I promote Bucket List Broadway. Not only do I post on my business and personal page, I enlist the help of friends inside and outside of the theater community to spread the word. I appeared on the KUSI morning show for an interview and a song just prior to the first workshop, which resulted in bringing in a few more participants. I did interviews and articles with several neighborhood papers, and I plan on using these same tools again with each subsequent workshop. One of my goals is to eventually advertise in playbills and programs of local shows. I imagine there are many people who, like me, wish they could be on stage instead of just in the audience so this should be a great way to find enthusiastic clients.
Is there anything else you'd like for us to know?
We will be announcing our next event soon, so please like us on Facebook to receive updates and announcements. Also, our website should be updated and ready to roll soon, so you will have one more way to stay in touch with us!
It was such a pleasure interviewing April. I love how her childhood passions helped guide her destiny. April, like myself, loves community and bringing people together. She truly loves encouraging people to try out areas of their life they’ve always dreamed about which could be performing on stage. April also reminded me to take care of myself- that we all need to take care of ourself. Time blocking our work day and scheduling physical activity is key to our success. Thank you for your time and energy dear friend! Can’t wait to have you on the LOTP podcast soon! xo
Question, feedback, comments? Write us below!
Why Consistency is the Most Important Discipline to Have
Wake up. Kick Butt. Repeat. There is NO easy way to grow a business. All you can do is work hard, do your best, ask for help, and do it again tomorrow. Consistency is the most important factor in growing your business. Genie Reese of Red Aspen not only has the work ethic but the spirit to keep momentum and energy up while growing her business with her co-founders.
Wake up. Kick Butt. Repeat.
This is a direct quote from my interview with Genie Reese, who is a co-founder of the beauty company Red Aspen. It’s been like a mantra in my head since I read it a few weeks ago.
I was reminded of it last night when my husband shared some advice about not giving up. He said, “just because something doesn’t work out or if you slip up, you can try again tomorrow.” I think that’s where a lot of us struggle.
When things don’t work, we give up rather than looking at tomorrow as a fresh start. We have another chance to start again, to try again, and to stay at it.
As I read through Genie’s interview, she used words such as consistency & persistence. Which told me that she’s dedicated herself to this mantra of wake up, kick butt and repeat in her own professional and personal life. While reading through it I was reminded of Allison Katz’s feature about patience and the time it took to both launch her business but the steps it took to grow it. Having patience and staying the course even when it gets challenging or lonely is key to your success.
Anything worthwhile in life takes time, takes dedication, takes consistency. If you are just getting started on your journey, DO NOT GIVE UP when it gets hard, or when you hit a stop sign, or you get a no. KEEP TRYING. Pivot, take another chance, give it all you got. We all have to start somewhere and the beginning can be such a great process if we let it. I learned through Angela Buckner’s feature that allowing ourselves grace during the entrepreneurial process is vital for us to keep going!
That’s precisely what Genie and her co-founders did when creating Red Aspen. This social selling beauty company launched a line of false lashes, and have since expanded into pop on nails and a full-color cosmetics line! Crushing it! Their mission is to inspire women to stand up, stand out, and stand together by uniting passion + purpose.
SO MANY JUICY TAKEAWAYS from my interview with Genie. I can’t wait for you to dive in.
If you are looking to connect with Genie or her team at Red Aspen you can reach them through email, hello@redaspen.com, their website, or on their instagram page.
What is YOUR story!? Tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.
I am originally from Boise, Idaho, and moved back to the area after 10 years in Denver. I attended the University of Denver for undergrad and the University of Colorado for grad school. I previously worked in healthcare, first as a business analyst for DaVita and later as a Sales Rep for Stryker. I quit my job, moved to Boise, and cofounded Red Aspen, a social selling beauty company, in October of 2017 and never looked back!
How did you get your idea or concept for your business?
My business partner and sister (Jesse McKinney) had been considering starting her own business, and I ended up spending Christmas of 2016 with her and her family in Boise. It was during that time that the concept of Red Aspen started to come to fruition. She had been on the corporate side of another direct sales company for a decade, and knew this was the business model she wanted to emulate. We ended up dreaming up Red Aspen, and 4 months later I quit my job and moved to Boise to begin working on the business!
Tell us more about your business and what you do!
Red Aspen is a social selling beauty company. Our mission is to inspire women to stand up, stand out and stand together by uniting passion + purpose. Our Brand Ambassadors are independent business owners, selling Red Aspen beauty products and sharing the Red Aspen mission. We combine e-commerce, social networks and social selling with playful, fun and imaginative products and marketing. We launched with a line of false lashes, and have since expanded into pop on nails and a full color cosmetics line.
Looking back would you do anything different?
I wouldn't have listened so much to advice from others who had never been in a startup environment before, and trusted my gut a little bit more! I also would have waited to expand the product line until we had a little more market research.
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
I love coming up with and testing ideas, and being able to quickly take an idea from inception to execution.
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
So many! The day we launched, we all sat in our first office (which doubled as my apartment, it was a work-live space) and had to manually enroll our Brand Ambassadors over the phone because the IT platform wasn't working as anticipated. We had 80 people enroll on the first day, and over 500 in the first 6 weeks. It was such a surreal experience, recognizing that this might actually work! I also loved our first event, where we got to meet 40 of our top leaders in person on a leadership retreat. Hearing why they decided to become a Red Aspen Brand Ambassador, how much they believed in our mission and in Jesse, Amanda and myself was so humbling. A top moment was also the first time I paid out commissions to the field - the outpouring of thank-you's and love from the field definitely made all the hard work worth it.
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
Never-ending work, having to know a little bit about EVERYTHING, learning entirely new skill sets, transitioning from doing all the work to building systems and departments to managing employees
What about some of the challenges you face as a female entrepreneur?
Work-life balance has been one of the biggest challenges, especially in our first year. Two of our cofounders are moms to small children, and being able to spend quality time with them was so challenging. Luckily, both have incredibly supportive husbands - but the reality is, there is no way we could have done this without that support.
Advice for other other female entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
Never be afraid to be smart.
Surround yourself with people that inspire you.
Participate in life.
Make your own luck.
Know that girl power is about teamwork, not competition.
When someone says "you can't" the best response is "watch me."
And finally- wake up, kick butt, repeat.
What is your favorite quote?
"I don't have experience on my side, but I have persistence." - Ty Haney, Founder and CEO of Outdoor Voices
How do you avoid burnout?
Staying consistent at the gym, fitting in a few hours for friends and family every week, listening to podcasts, talking to the field and reading books to continue getting creative ideas
We know all entrepreneurs work differently. How do you schedule your day?
I run errands and get my workout in the morning. I know I'll most likely end up staying at the office until 8 or 9pm some nights, or traveling, and if I don't fit these things in first thing they won't happen!
What are your MUST have tools?! (things like organization, calendars, social media, payment platforms, business development sources...etc.)
social media, committed IT partners/platform, Google Drive, Squarespace, QuickBooks, a flexible merchant account, an incredible marketing and customer service team, external creative vendors (Photography, packaging design, web design)
How do you advertise your brand?
social media, word of mouth
Is there anything else you'd like for us to know?
Red Aspen is the best decision I ever made - I can't imagine anything more rewarding or fulfilling!
Thank you for sharing your incredible insight Genie. Your inspirational words empowered me to keep going especially when it feels overwhelming.
Do you have inspirational words to share to the LOTP community? We’d love to hear them! Drop us a line and comment below!
The Power of Patience
Can you think back on a time that you said something without really listening to what the person was saying? Or what about launching a program or offer from your business only to realize you weren't ready to manage it or scale it? Or rushed through an Instagram post just to get content out there? Have you ever bought a piece of home decor just to have something rather than waiting for the thing you REALLY wanted? I've been all of the above. I've spoken thoughtlessly, launched too quickly, bought way too many fake plants, posted, edited, reposted, and then deleted because I moved too quickly. Something I've been working on in my own life is slowing down before making decisions. It seems as if learning patience is a common theme for most entrepreneurs as Allison Katz of Gift Spawt explains that it took time to understand how to even get started as a business owner and then to officially launch their brand.
I find it ironic that the theme of this week’s founder series is patience and when I was writing this I had almost zero. Rushing around, yelling at cars, eating too fast just to get shit done because I’m up against a big deadline. I had planned a bunch of stuff prior to knowing about this deadline so of course life likes to load ya up all at one time! The funny thing about this is that I think that yelling at the cars to move faster or half heartily throwing a post together then the more I’ll be able to pack into the day. But, because I haven’t taken the time to slow down and be mindful I end up doing more work. There are more mistakes in my grammar, more projects that are started and unfinished (like the dishes in the sink and laundry on the bed), and the less present I am in general. Also- side note- when you slow down and have patience you’ll notice how NOT a big deal the things you’re stressing about truly are.
Can you think back on a time that you said something without really listening to what the person was saying? Or what about launching a program or offer from your business only to realize you weren't ready to manage it or scale it? Or rushed through an Instagram post just to get content out there? Have you ever bought a piece of home decor just to have something rather than waiting for the thing you REALLY wanted?
I've been all of the above. I've spoken thoughtlessly, launched too quickly, bought way too many fake plants, posted, edited, reposted, and then deleted because I moved too quickly. Something I've been working on in my own life is slowing down before making decisions. Now, I'm a huge researcher of all things, so in many ways, I do educate myself before I decide to move forward, BUT I often tend to make moves without thinking it through.
It seems as if learning patience is a common theme for most entrepreneurs as Allison Katz of Gift Spawt explains that it took time to understand how to even get started as a business owner and then to officially launch their brand.
She does a great job sharing how patience in her business was a key element of success! Allison and her co-founder Mariana created, Gift Spawt, a one-stop-shop for sending gifts and puppy care packages to dog friends near and far. With snuggly stuffed toys, stylish accessories, dog gift sets, and greeting cards, they’ve got something special for every pup and occasion. They love supporting their dog parent community and spreading joy to people everyday.
Allison describes what steps they took as a brand to launch their online business efficiently and effectively. In our interview, she also provides insight to those who are looking to get started and some mindset tips to keep your eye on the ball!
I originally worked with Allison and Mariana many moons ago for my 10k milestone giveaway on @paxthedood. The two of them created @dogswithstuffedanimals which is an instagram account that highlights adorable dogs with stuffed animals. That specific account is very successful and it seems only natural for them to start selling products themselves!
If you are interested in collaborating as an influencer or sending a package to a friend please contact Allison at info@giftspawt.com. Make sure to check out their website and buy your pup some fun and adorable goodies. Giftspawt packages each gift which makes it personalized and unique for each recipient. You can also follow them on Instagram at @giftspawt or on their Facebook page which you can reach by clicking here.
Without further ado, Allison Katz, everyone!
Allison with some of their ambassadors in LA
Please tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.
I am originally from Charlotte, North Carolina and went to school at UNC-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!). After graduating from college, I wanted to explore life outside of NC and moved to NYC with some friends. While I started off working in entertainment PR, I later transitioned to the healthcare field and headed to DC for graduate school.
Although city living was fun and exciting, it was also stressful and lonely at times. One of my coworkers suggested that I should get a dog and even came with me to bring Riley home in 2012. Since day one, he's been a total mama's boy (and I mean that in the best way possible) and the center of my world. Little did I know that when I started an Instagram account for him in 2015, that it would be a turning point in my life personally and professionally.
It was through IG that I became friends with Mariana, my now business partner, who also happened to have a cockapoo named Riley. We decided to start @dogswithstuffedanimals together, which gave me a creative outlet that I didn't have in my day job. I also felt a sense of empowerment turning an idea into a reality and taking on a leadership role.
At the same time, I was missing my family and friends in North Carolina and decided that I wanted to move closer to home. For the past 1.5 years, I have been living in Chapel Hill, NC, working in digital marketing for medical practices, and growing Gift Spawt. Although it was a risk leaving my life in DC and a job I had for 9 years, I am so glad that I took a leap of faith and allowed myself to try something new!
Co-Founder Mariana & her dog Walter
How did you get your idea or concept for the brand?
Mariana and I had been exchanging gifts for our dogs for holidays and birthdays. While the presents were small (a toy, treat, or card), it was so fun receiving a package from a friend and surprising Riley with his pawmail.
We noticed that other dogs on Instagram were sending their friends gifts as well and how happy it made everyone. From there, we decided to create a site for the dog community that promoted friendship and celebrating special occasions -even when you can't be there in person.
Looking back would you do any thing different?
Not at all. In the past year, I've learned so much, and challenges and missteps have always guided me in a better direction.
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
The ability to create opportunities for myself and taking personal responsibility for my decisions. I'm also able to maintain a fairly flexible schedule, which allows me to have a good work-life balance.
Allison & her dog Riley
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
Seeing the messages that friends write for the gift cards has been awesome! You can tell that so many humans and pups have formed genuine relationships with one another, and it really reinforces the power of the dog community.
I also loved meeting-up with some of our IG friends, while traveling this past year.
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
Because so much of what we do is tied to social media, email, and being online, I often find it difficult to unplug and be away from my phone or computer. But I have started to set aside device-free time each night, so that I can truly decompress and be more engaged in my relationships and experiences.
Advice for other entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
Patience, planning, and research are essential to executing an idea. When we decided to start Gift Spawt, I bought a 2000 page book on Amazon about creating and running a small business. There were so many steps to take before we could even begin developing the website, and I just gave myself the time and space to get organized, ask friends and family for help, contact support teams (especially with tech questions), and search for answers online.
How do you advertise your brand?
Currently, we only promote Gift Spawt on social media (Instagram and Facebook). We owe so much to our amazing brand ambassadors, who have supported us since the very beginning!
What a fun idea! I can’t wait to learn more about GiftSpawt on our podcast interview this summer. If you have questions about getting involved in the Female Founder Series (FFS) please drop us a comment below or send us an email!
Did you know that having an attitude of gratitude can help you live your best life?
Your business mindset is the most important aspect of your business. Beth Devine describes her business relationship in life, clients, and how she took a leap of faith from corporate into her own marketing company.
It’s funny how the universe works and I love watching it’s magic unfold! I met Beth Devine through a brand partnership that Pax did a few months ago. Beth was hired by the brand to do marketing and social outreach and so we were connected as part of the collaboration.
The more we talked the more we realized how much we had in common and that our main goal in our professional career was to help other women succeed. Currently, Beth is the Founder and Principal of Devine Solutions Group, LLC. She is a digital marketing and business development expert who almost exclusively works and collaborates with women entrepreneurs.
She founded her agency on the premise that women deserve to have a one-source solution to go to and obtain the knowledge required to achieve the financial independence they require and the work/life balance they deserve.
If you are a business owner/entrepreneur who is looking to increase your online brand presence Beth is the right contact for you! She can help your business generate more leads, establish a new web design, and do a stellar job with SEO. She is a skilled content writer and social media manager. Beth also provides excellent business insight and mentoring to her clients. As for collaboration opportunities, she is always looking for ways to support other entrepreneurs and establish relationships long term.
You can reach her directly by emailing info@devinesolutionsgroup.com or call her at 833-9DEVINE (833-933-8463). You can find her on Linked in, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter!
I am so excited to introduce Beth to our LOTP community and for our relationship to continue to blossom in the years to come! Without further ado…Beth Devine everyone!
We deliver top tier digital marketing services to those who require and up-leveling of their brand and their business. I believes that every woman deserves to have a profitable business on her own terms and in the confines of her own time.
I live in Tracy, CA with my husband Robert and our two teenagers, Ellie and Sean. Robert works at Lawrence Livermore National Lab and manages radiation safety for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). We have two German Shepherds, Fargo and Zami who keep me vacuuming regularly. I enjoy boating on the Delta every Spring and Summer as well as tour on Robert's motorcycles.
How did you get your idea or concept for the brand?
Based on 25 plus years of sales, marketing and business development, I know that the name of a company and its purpose should be reflective in their brand. The most personal and intimate part of any one's being, is their name. Your name is your brand. So, since Devine really is my last name, why not build a brand around it and highlight what that word in and of itself means to others and then pull it back to the root of who I am. Prior to founding Devine Solutions Group, I spent over 20 years as a retail operations professional for some of the biggest name brands nationwide. Since then, I spent over a decade as a successful VP of Business Development for a civil engineering and land surveying firm. My entrepreneurial spirit came alive again when I founded Impact MMA, where I was only one of two female sporting event promoters, duplicating what UFC started, but on a smaller scale. After Impact MMA, I entered into telecommunications as a marketing and business development executive and once again delivered the results that inspired me to create Devine Solutions Group.
Tell us more about your brand and what you do!
Devine Solutions Group is a premier digital marketing, business development and implementation agency that supports small to mid-sized business owners.
Our purpose is to assist our clients with turning their business potential into a profitable reality. We do this by creating and implementing top-tier digital marketing and business development services. We are committed to assisting clients with building your business and their brand, so they can achieve the financial independence they require.
In addition to frequent public speaking engagements, training business owners on branding, marketing and business strategies, I am a frequent contributor to publications including Fit Small Biz, Business Connection and Best Hosting Pro.
Looking back would you do any thing different?
I would have learned how to let go of fear, anxiety and doubt A LOT earlier in my life, but I didn't know how to do that. I knew deep in my soul that I had so much potential and that something was holding me back. I had to get out of my own way because I was holding me back.
By putting in the self-work and understanding the root cause of the "hold-back" issues, I was able to give myself permission to receive success and let go of the self limiting beliefs. Once I did this, the right people just starting showing up and my business and life took off in a direction I knew I deserved.
If anyone is interested in the full story of how I did it, I encourage them to contact me for insight and support. I look forward to paying it forward and inspiring others to do the same, so they can too can have the chance to living their best life.
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
Having control of my time and being able to deliver the required services anytime and anywhere, via a mobile lifestyle. Working with super smart people who have a high degree of integrity and skills and of course, being able to plug-in to my community and contribute to the greater good of others.
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
My favorite moments are when I look at my vision board and I literally see a pattern of the images coming to fruition. It is so rewarding! In the middle of my board I have an image that says HAPPY CLIENTS and I look at it and experience that reality every day! Living in gratitude sets the stage for successful manifestation.
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
The biggest challenge at this time is that about 70% of the time, I am a technician who is actually producing the work. This is normal in the first few years of a new business, so I get it.
As the business builds, I will be hiring professionals who can deliver the end product better than I can. The ultimate goal is to position the agency to be process dependent and not so much person dependent. That is when your business is really working for you vs. you working for your business. I am super excited about my plan to achieve this too.
Advice for other entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
What ever business you want to go after, create a viable business and financial plan. PERIOD! Use it as a tool to drive your business and course correct when you have too.
Stay close to your purpose and your passion, then create a business around it, so you can add value and monetize at the same time. Make sure your new business is financially viable first and foremost. Plan your work, then work your plan.
How do you advertise your brand?
Well, obviously we have a signifiant social media presence that is coupled with very strategic and effective SEO, but I will tell you that I spend about 30% of my time networking, speaking and connecting with others.
The majority of our leads actually come in through referrals. I look at the digital space as what I call "tip" money. Nothing will ever trump the power of an eyeball to eyeball, belly to belly meeting and personal relationship building.
How can clients reach you/Collaborate with you?
Any business owner/entrepreneur who requires an increase in online brand presence, more leads, new web design, SEO, content writing, social media management, etc. — or just needs some insight or some mentoring, they can reach me directly by emailing info@devinesolutionsgroup.com or call me at 833-9DEVINE (833-933-8463).
As for collaboration opportunities, I am always looking for ways to support other entrepreneurs and establish relationships long term. For such inquiries, use the same method to reach me by email or phone.
Anything else you would like us to know?
We are always looking to add talent to our Group, so if you feel that you have a service that supports our client avatar, which we can discuss when you call, we'd love to talk you and discover how to incorporate you into Devine Solutions Group and assist you will building your business!
One of the biggest things I’ve learned being an solopreneur is that I can’t do everything alone. Just like the saying “it takes a village” when raising a child the same message can be viewed when growing a business. It is such a gift to be surrounded by like minded women were I can pick their brain on different aspects of my business, become inspired by others, and collaborate with powerful women around the world.
A big take away from Beth’s interview was the notion of letting go and reflecting on how much I hold myself back due to things I haven’t dealt with or how we let past experience dictate who we are today. I am taking the steps to truly break these limiting beliefs by personal development and exploration of myself.
If you would like to be featured as a female founder or are interested in collaborating in some way please write in the form below which will send a ping my way.
How Hitting Rock Bottom Can Inspire Your Creativity
We all have a story, a story that has brought us to this exact moment in time. For Jennifer Nyguen it was a mix of different experiences that designed her current situation. Jennifer states that one of the biggest experiences that has shaped her current moment was one that stemmed from tragedy and blossomed into something beautiful!
I’ve found a theme with all the women that I’ve interviewed so far. Their dogs have all been pivotal in moving forward into the next phase of their life. Their dogs have instilled courage, patience, and confidence in taking the leap into their passions and interests.
Dogs teach us every day to be present. They teach us that life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest. They teach us to lean into what drives us and what fills us up. For me, Pax invited me to spend more time in my creativity something that I had put away since my childhood. Jennifer’s story is very similar. With the support of her family, friends, boyfriend, and of course Bear- she has been able to take her passion to a whole new level! Without further ado- I am so excited to share the launch of Good Boy Bear! If you’d like to learn more about her brand please reach out to her via instagram at @goodboybear or through her website https://www.thegoodboybear.com/ . Jennifer can also be reached through email hello@goodboybear.com or on Bear’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thegoodboybear/
Additionally, I originally planned to have my last female founder blog post a few weeks ago. However, I received such interest that we will be continuing the series indefinitely- if you are interested in being featured please drop a message in the contact form below! ENJOY!
Tell us a little about yourself personally & professionally.
I am 30 years old, born and raised in Dallas, Texas! I went to the same all-girl school my entire childhood, so I marinated in a close-knit community of bright and creative girls. But I was very ready to get out of the bubble and explore the world on my own by the end of high school. My parents were both dentists (they escaped from Vietnam during the war and came to America with nothing), and my brother was finishing up dental school in California, which is what inspired me to move there for college. I went to USC and got my BA in Neuroscience with an arts minor in Communication Design, and went straight into dental school there after that! Photography and graphic/website design were hobbies of mine throughout high school and college, so that came in really useful for building Bear's brand. I learned and grew so much living on my own in LA, but I knew it would be best for me financially to move back to Dallas after I graduated, to be near my family again too. So I packed up and moved home in 2015 and joined the family practice. Those couple years after moving were a dark and difficult time. I missed my friends, California, I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship, my student loan debt was (and still is) unimaginable, late 20s and living with my parents, and dentistry was a whole different level of stress I'd never experienced. Thankfully my best friend moved here with me, and I had my family to teach me all the ins and outs of running the business. I slowly picked myself up, moved into my own place.
After many failed dating attempts, I met someone special, but he tragically passed away about 5 months into our relationship. It was rock bottom for me. I don't even know what drove me to start looking for a puppy (probably Instagram)! because I barely had time to even take care of myself, but I did months of research and finally took the plunge. It was the best decision I ever made. Bear is my healing and guiding light, he teaches me so much about the world everyday, how to slow down, appreciate the little things, wake up and see all the good in the world, no matter how dreary it is, give unconditional love to everyone, including myself and those who may not deserve it. After he started gaining a following on Instagram, I realized how special he was, and wanted to spread his goofy, loving energy as far and wide as I could. It grew into this incredible creative outlet. I am so grateful to be in a great place today, mentally and physically, with Bear and my overwhelmingly supportive boyfriend, friends, and family!
How did you get your idea or concept for the brand?
Bear's brand was something that I envisioned pretty early on, but had ZERO knowledge about where to even begin. Seeing all the comments on his instagram about how happy he makes people made me want to create products that they could have in person as continued reminders. He's such a cartoon character in real life, so I just wanted to be able to embody that.
Tell us more about your brand and what you do!
His brand is all about the simple things, the simple pleasures in life. A soft, cozy piece of clothing to relax in, a sip of hot coffee on a chilly Sunday morning, a smile on someone's face. It's been so fun doing the research, product design, being creative with his content, and communicating and networking with amazing people (like Nikki)!! Momager life takes up a lot of time, but it is extremely rewarding :) On top of that, we're so happy to be able to give back some of the profits to animal welfare organizations.
Looking back would you do any thing different?
Nothing at all, I find so much value in making mistakes and learning from them.
What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
Being able to make and be fully accountable for all my decisions. And between running my practices, and running Bear's business, I am still able to have a pretty flexible schedule where I can carve out time for myself and my loved ones.
Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.
Going out and exploring new places while shooting content with Bear has been so fun. And the amount of support and love he receives from people around the world is unbelievable. I try my best to transmit and convey all that love to him.. if he only knew!
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
As an introvert, it was difficult at first to open up and start communicating with others openly and directly (strangers on the internet that you're emailing with back and forth, collaborating, negotiating, etc.)- but it definitely became easier over time. Showing myself on his Instagram is a daunting thought, and even launching the brand-- it was scary! Wondering what people are going to think, the possibility of receiving criticism on something you put so much of your heart into, but at the end of the day, I just try to remember that being vulnerable isn't a bad thing.
Advice for other entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?
Research, research, research! I spent hundreds of hours googling answers to the million of questions I had because I didn't personally know anyone with experience in producing merchandise, especially in this kind of space. I remember going to a coffee shop in late January with a pen and paper, blank google doc open, and I just started making a list of every single question I had, a rough outline of what I wanted to accomplish, how much money I had available to put into this, a timeline of when I wanted to complete each step, all the permits and licenses required, and went from there! Staying organized and having all of my information and research in one place helped me stay on track. I still have so many questions, but am just learning along the way.