Why Mistakes Are Your Best Teachers


Being a new business owner is no small feat. Especially if you're working alone. Trusting that you're making the right decision without validation can be challenging, but to move forward, you gotta take action and hope for the best.

That's precisely the mindset that business owner Breana Thomas founder of Nutrivenience shared about her experience being an entrepreneur. She mentions that she's had to learn how to make decisions herself, trust herself, and learn along the way.

The reality of being an entrepreneur is not as pretty as a curated photo on Instagram. No one sees the behind the scenes like working until 2 or 3 in the morning or having to test different services or platforms.

I think one of the reasons people don't move forward is that they are scared to make mistakes when in all honesty we need those mistakes to learn where to go next. Bre says it herself, "Pay attention, learn quick, and re-route when needed." The only way to grow is to GO.

Brene Brown writes in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, you must be OK with however your day ends. Recognizing your worth is not tied to the tasks you completed, the money you made, or how successful you were at the thing you were trying to achieve. The real deal is how you feel about yourself and how you show up for yourself every single day.

I've tried to put this mindset at the forefront of my day. It's essential to enjoy the little wins along the way as we go after the bigger dreams that we have. Bre also describes how wonderful it has been building her business steadily, and by taking it one step at a time.

Another founder, Marissa Rose Nash talked about in her interview about living in the grey. I think this is a valuable mindset to have while growing your business. Instead of having such strong expectations about things being a certain way allowing them to ebb and flow and take it one step at a time is key! Angela Buckner also describes this way of thinking. She shares in her interview that enjoying the process even when it’s so tough to be new at something is very important to one’s overall mindset and growth.

In addition to slowing down and enjoying the ride, Bre puts self-care high on her priority list. To avoid burn out, Bre makes sure to come back to the basics. Like moving her body, sleeping well, and eating nutrient-dense foods.

If you are looking to get in touch with Bre you can reach her through email at breanathomas310@gmail.com. You can also take a look at her creative instagram here and her company Nutrivenience to learn more about what she does!

Let’s get started!


What is YOUR story!? Tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.

Well...I moved to Orange County 10 years ago to pursue hair dressing. I got a job at a salon and a year in realized the industry was not for me. I liked working with my hands, I liked being creative, I liked making people feel good, but I didn't like the materialism and drama that came with the industry. So I quit.

I started working for restaurants as a server and eventually got a job at True Food Kitchen right when it was opening in Newport Beach. Everything I learned there resonated so much, and though I loved cooking, I'd never looked at it as a profession until then. The health aspect of it all added tremendous value to what that could be and gave me purpose. I didn't want to work in a restaurant, I wanted to help people one on one. 

From there I decided I wanted to work as a private chef. I enrolled in culinary school and began my deep dive into all things health and nutrition. I started an online holistic nutrition course, watched documentaries, read countless books, started juice cleansing and tried different eating styles. I was gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo, I tried them all. Eventually developing my own eating style which was a cumulation of everything that made me feel good. That eating style is now Nutrivenience. 


How did you get your idea or concept for your business?

Working as a private chef, a lot of my clients wanted to lose weight. After adhering to the diets they presented to me, in terms of the food I made, I realized that a lot of it was crap...and incredibly unhealthy. I developed the Nutrivenience plan initially for myself. It's something I did for 3 months straight in the beginning and have done it at least once a month since . I brought this plan into the homes of my clients and it worked for them as well. 

When I began teaching spin, I got so many questions from riders regarding weight loss, nutrition, meal prep, etc. I knew I had to figure out a way to mass produce my food because I physically couldn't cook for all of these people in their homes. And voila... Nutrivenience was born. 


Tell us more about your business and what you do!

Nutrivenience offers prescriptive, whole-food, plant-based meal plans delivered throughout Orange County, Ca. 

Customers receive a combination of ready-made food and juice for the desired length of their plan (3 or 5 days). Our main focus is health, with weight loss being the side effect. 

Looking back would you do anything different?

No. I've learned so much by doing everything myself with no outside investors or help. It's been a slow growth process but steady and extremely rewarding. 

What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?

I love having a platform to express my creativity 

Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.

Favorite moments are always customer feedback. Our food is changing people's lives. The way they look at 'healthy' food, the way they feel and the knowledge they gain. This has the potential of changing our food system entirely here in the US.

For me this is what it's all about. This is how I make this world a better place.

What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?

The hours. It never truly stops, and no one really understands that unless they're a business owner/entrepreneur. It's task oriented, you don't get to clock out, and in the beginning (which for me is still 3 1/2 years in) the tasks never end.

I'm an only child and I think this works in my advantage, because you're alone a lot. You've got to figure shit out on your own, you've got to make hard decisions on your own and just hope everything turns out okay. And when it doesn't, you've got to learn quick and keep moving. 

What about some of the challenges you face as a female entrepreneur?

Honestly, I don't think I've had any. I think it's so celebrated right now that if anything I've had an advantage. 

Advice for other other female entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?

Just start. As cliche as that sounds. Once you start 'doing it', you realize most people who are also 'doing it' have no idea what the hell they're doing. 

Pay attention. Learn quick. Reroute when needed. 

What is your favorite quote?

I have many. But in regards to entrepreneurship: Sell the problem not the solution.

How do you avoid burnout?

I do my best to stay healthy. I move my body almost every day. I nourish it with whole foods 80% of the time. And I get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. 

We know all entrepreneurs work differently. How do you schedule your day?

I have an ongoing to-do list in the Notes section of my phone. At night I pull atleast 6 things I need to get done the next day and put them at the top. I also work a full time job and teach spin classes so my days are hectic. I schedule alarms for everything to get as much out of my brain as possible. Hardest tasks first thing in the morning.    

What are your MUST have tools?! (things like organization, calendars, social media, payment platforms, business development sources...etc.)

Honestly, I try to keep it as simple as possible. I'm technologically retarded. I use my notes/calendar in my phone. Besides that, I outsource everything else (marketing, social media, website, etc) now because I simply don't have the time. So I'd say, MUST have tools are finding the right people to do the things you're not naturally good at.

How do you advertise your brand?

We still are all Instagram and word of mouth. With this, the business has doubled every year. 

Soon we're going to start with FB/IG ads. 


Is there anything else you'd like for us to know?

You really should eat more plants. 

Bre, thank you for your time and energy! It was an honor learning about your business! I’m an only child too and can relate on so many levels! Regardless if you have siblings or not you gotta learn how to be independent, answer your own questions, an trust yourself. Thanks for your inspiration and contribution to the female founder series!

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a comment below!

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