The Importance of Living In The Grey

You're either smart or you're stupid. You're either a writer or your not. You either had an fantastic IG post, or you didn't. I didn’t make it to the gym every day so basically I failed at getting to the gym.Either all of the women I've reached out to want to be apart of this series or no one is interested.

Does this all or nothing mindset sound familiar?

Marissa Rose Nash and I have a few things in common. Besides the fact that met while teaching yoga at CorePower Yoga, we also love to empower women, are personal development seekers, golden doodle mamas, and… we are all or nothing type of gals.

All or nothing thinking is problematic for so many reasons, one of them being it creates almost impossible expectations of one's self. It demands perfection.

Over the past year, I've adopted the mindset of living in the grey.

It seems as if Marissa has done the same. I am trying to find more balance, flexibility, and options in my thinking. Recognizing things don't just have to be one way & acknowledging that even just a little bit is OK.

I even wrote about it in this blog post a few months ago about how much power there is in doing what’s best for you and it’s OK to not be perfect, it’s ok to say no, it’s ok to decide a relationship doesn’t work anymore. I think many of us think if we change our mind we are “bad” people or a “flakey” person. But things aren’t just one way. We need to live in the grey. Sarah Varnan even did a contributor blog post about dog mom guilt and how awful of person she feels if she didn’t do things JUST right while raising her pup. We must practice more flexibility and kindness on ourselves.

So, I've been trying on things like the word AND rather than the word OR. I've been focusing on positive qualities rather than the negative ones. Ex: I made it to the gym x amount of times, YAY! 

Marissa is the founder of The Vine Collective, where she is a personal growth & mindset coach. She empowers women to identify and overcome limiting beliefs so they can live out and reach their potential.

I think one of the reasons Marissa is such a fantastic coach is because of her courage in sharing her vulnerability and daily struggles with her clients. One way that she does this is through her instagram stories as she let’s people in to her real life and shows her human qualities.

If you are looking to get in contact with Marissa for coaching or to collaborate you can reach her on instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or her website.

Without further ado, Marissa, take it away!


What is YOUR story!? Tell us a bit about your background both personally and professionally.

My career as a Personal Growth & Mindset coach for women started in the yoga industry. I completed my first 200 hour yoga certification while in college at Penn State University. I then moved on to teach yoga full time in Southern California for CorePower Yoga and several other boutique yoga studios. I loved it and noticed that women were coming to me to have deeper conversations "off the mat". They wanted more than just the physical practice of yoga. This led me to complete my life coaching certification and I launched my coaching firm the next week! I've been a coach for four years now and my coaching firm, The Vine Collective has shifted and transformed as I've grown personally and professionally. I'm currently coaching women in one-on-one programs as well as group coaching programs. My upcoming women's mastermind starts in September and is designed for women who are aiming to transform their mindset and their lifestyle.

How did you get your idea or concept for your business?

I work with a lot of women who are phenomenal at taking care of everyone but themselves. They're often Type-A, "people pleasers", with big hearts and huge dreams. Yet they have a difficult time prioritizing their own growth and personal development. They also struggle a ton with incorporating rest into their routine. This leaves them feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, stressed, and feeling like they could be doing "more" with their lives but just don't know how. I help women to identify their gifts, potential, strengths, desires, needs, and feelings. The inspiration for the work that I do comes from my own growth as an individual and leader. I'm currently in a master's program for Organizational Leadership and I incorporate a lot of the tools and practices that we learn in class into my work as a coach. I also struggle in all of the areas above so I'm able to walk the walk and talk the talk. I can relate, have empathy for, and confidently give women hope that their lives can transform. 

Tell us more about your business and what you do!

I'm a Personal Growth & Mindset coach. I help women to identify and overcome limiting beliefs so they can live out and reach their potential. I have a 6 month coaching program for one-on-one clients who are looking to transform their mindset, achieve their goals, and make an impact in the world. I also lead a women's group coaching program called "Master your Mindset". The group coaching programs launches every Fall and Spring. I lead a weekly training on topics such as growing in self-confidence, identifying priorities, overcoming obstacles, and navigating setbacks in life and leadership. 

Looking back would you do anything different?

I would! I wouldn't have stopped teaching yoga. I've always had an "all or nothing" personality. I wish I would have been better at identifying that I needed a break from yoga but I didn't need to quit all together. I'm starting to slowly get back into my yoga practice and plan to start teaching again this Fall. I'm also leading a yoga and personal growth retreat to Panama in March so it's been very cool to see this area of my life slowly being redeemed and restored. 

What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?

My favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is bringing women together to grow in community. Personal growth can feel lonely and discouraging at times. I' love the opportunity I have to be a leader and an advocate for women to transform their lives and to not have to do it alone.

Share your favorite moment or moments while growing your business.

My favorite recent moment has been in the women's group coaching program that I lead. I've always loved working one-on-one with clients but I feel that women grow ten-fold when they're able to do it in community. I am in awe of these women after every single Monday night session. Witnessing their growth and transformation together is something that gives me fuel to keep doing the work that I do.

What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?

A few of the challenges that come to mind are feeling lonely in the work that I'm doing. I've recently challenged myself to surround myself with other female entrepreneurs so that we can be in this together. I'm an extrovert so it helps me to draw inspiration from conversation with people and it's important for my personality to feel that I'm in community.

What about some of the challenges you face as a female entrepreneur?

I think my own limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle in my journey as a female entrepreneur. One limiting belief I've identified within myself recently is the belief that I can't be a "career woman" and a mom. While my conscious self knows this isn't true, it's a belief that prevents me from living out the life I feel called to live and a belief that I'm working to redefine for myself. 


Advice for other other female entrepreneurs or those looking to get started?

Start with 10%. When you're getting started, it can feel overwhelming and you might not know how to start. I always encourage my clients to start with 10% of their goal. Write the blog post. Start an instagram account. Send an email to a potential client. Just do something.

What is your favorite quote?

"Success is when you love where you are an who you are in it and when you're excited about where you're going." Gay Hendricks

How do you avoid burnout?

I prioritize taking care of myself outside of work. I schedule in my workouts, take lots of bubble baths, and make sure that I'm spending time unplugged from work. I've learned to prioritize rest after epically failing in this area in the past!

We know all entrepreneurs work differently. How do you schedule your day?

I feel most creative in the morning and love to start my day with an energizing workout before I sit down to create. I also love working in the evening with a cup of decaf coffee. Mid-day I try to rest my mind by taking a walk or just unplugging from my laptop and phone.I

What are your MUST have tools?! (things like organization, calendars, social media, payment platforms, business development sources...etc.)

HoneyBook and Trello are my go-to's. 

How do you advertise your brand?

I love instagram stories. I try to be as authentic and honest as I can be in my stories because I think it's important to let people into my real life (while maintaining healthy boundaries). I also love leading in-person events and find that I'm able to best connect with people in person versus online.

I love Marissa’s approach to getting started. Just begin with 10%. We often feel we need to have 98% or 100% of what we want to put out in the world completed and it feels like too much to handle. Only focusing on small chunk not only makes starting something more attainable but it also encourages momentum because you’ll be hitting small wins along the way!

Interested in being apart of the female founder series? We have 9 slots left for 2019! Drop us a line below.

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