7 things to think about before you get a puppy.
Getting a dog is never a good idea. It's a great idea. In today’s world more and more people are adopting furry friends to keep them company, improve mood, decrease depression/anxiety, support them while enduring hardships, encourage them to push onward, and of course to celebrate life!!
Getting a dog is also a really big idea. Caring for an animal or in our case, another family member is a full-time job. It’s a huge responsibility, and it changes your life for a large chunk of your life. For us, that’s exactly what we wanted, hoped for, and received. One of the biggest things that I share with people is that having a dog for us was never a hardship because we never expected it to be easy.
I want to make sure that I share my opinion up front- getting Pax has been the greatest adventure of our lives so far. He has brought my husband and I closer, he’s been my muse while growing my business, he has increased my happiness and filled my heart with such joy. Jarrod and I also had an ideal situation getting a dog which made the process more adaptable in our lives.
Here are some REAL things to think about.
1. Your social life. It’s really not fair to leave your pup for longer than 3-4 hours unless you have a planned event. Dogs are pack animals, and they miss you when you’re gone. If you’re like me - I think I miss Pax more than he misses me. Also, if you get wasted the night before you still have to get up at 6am to take your dog out to potty the next morning. If you want to jet out for a weekend, you’ll have to think about where your dog is going to stay. We’ve had some “ehh” experiences with Rover, and I’m so grateful nothing terrible happened, and it gets harder and harder to leave your fur baby when you know they aren’t going to treat them exactly as you would. That’s also a cost, right? Boarding your dog is a cost.
2. Budget. Getting a dog (whether you rescue or go through a breeder) is going to cost you money. From dog food to shots to random ear aches you’ll be spending more money on those things. Also, dog bow ties and bandanas aren’t free. #millennialproblems… What about when you go out of town and you have to pay for boarding. That raises another question, where will your dog stay?
3. What is your work schedule? If you travel Tuesday-Thursday you’ll need to prepare for your dog to be cared for which is more effort for you. Do you work 12-14 hours a day? Or even an 8-hour shift you’ll need to figure out how your pup will go potty if you don’t have a way they can go in and out.
4. Relationships? Your partnership will change. I am so grateful for the closeness, fun, and house full of love that having a dog has created in our life. But, I won’t lie and tell you that the intimacy hasn’t changed in my life. We can’t even hug without Pax jumping in or crying. My husband and I have been together for 8 years, so we are able to have frank conversations of what our needs are which is extremely helpful in regards to figuring out a plan to have a relationship without the dog. That’s another important concept to think about. If you are in a relationship how does your partner feel about getting a dog? If one of you are only half way commited to getting a puppy it will make it that much more challenging when raising the pup. Also, dogs can truly feel energy. Living in a home with frustration, stress, and resentment isn’t good for anyone!
5. Ready to be less selfish? I see it in a good way - but I did stop taking care of myself for awhile - especially while he was a puppy. I felt guilt if I left, I felt overwhelmed when I took him places, and I felt so much love when I was with him sometimes I didn’t go anywhere at all. I stopped exercising and leaving the house as much for certain things I use to do (hello amazon & post mates). But it also brought me a new love, activities, and community.
6. Housing situation? Do you live with roommates? Is anyone allergic to dogs? How do you feel about mud on your couch? These are real realities. Today I took Pax to the dog park, and he rolled around in the dirt and then promptly laid down on my pillow when we get home. Can you even have a dog? Does your landlord let you? Are you in a big house with lots of room? How will your pup go potty?
7. Where’s your mindset? would you get upset if your dog laid on your pillow full of mud or would you laugh and grab another pillowcase? This one is super important. If you go into this experience #1 unprepared or #2 unrealistic expectations, you will absolutely get frustrated with your puppy. Being ready, willing, and able in my opinion seals the positive experience with getting a dog.
Guest Article: Picking the right breed for your family!
I get this question all the time… “How do I know what type of dog is best for me?” We choose a F1 mini Goldendoodle for many reasons. First, I’m allergic to dogs…so strange since I grew up with them but as I aged I became allergic to them. Second, my husband and I want to grow our family in the next couple years and we know that Goldendoodles are great with children. Third, they don’t shed. Fourth, their temperament in general was just a disposition we wanted to be around all the time (we both love golden retrievers!). There are many many many other reasons why we decided on a mini Goldendoodle and I’d be happy to share- feel free to email me if you have questions about getting a fur baby!
I was so excited when Jessica from ourbestfriends.pet organization wanted to do a guest blog article on picking the right breed for your family. Getting a dog is a big decision and Jessica gives some great tips! Take a look below and make sure check out their website!
A Humane and Responsible Decision: Choosing the Right Breed for Your Family
by: Jessica Brody
The relationship between a pet and its owner can be a mutually rewarding and long-lasting one if you find the right animal and breed for your family and lifestyle. A number of factors go into making that decision, one that should be taken seriously and with an objective consideration of the facts. It isn’t a cookie-cutter choice; there’s no one-size-fits-all pet. They each have their own requirements and temperaments, and some may be more suitable for you than others. There are many cases of people who have made hasty decisions and had to return a pet to the local Humane Societyor some other animal shelter. That’s bad news for the animal, who may not get another chance at being chosen.
Physical suitability
An honest assessment of your square footage, inside and out, should play a big role in your decision. If you’re living in a two-bedroom apartment, it’s unfair to bring home a great dane or a mastiff, even if your landlord allows dogs. A small or medium-sized dog, like a beagle, would probably be a better fit, or perhaps a cat. Many people like having a big dog roaming the property to ward off intruders, which can work as long as your yard is big enough to allow him to stretch his legs and enjoy some playtime.
For convenience, consider installing a dog door to make it easy for your pooch to get in and out and an automatic feederto help him stay on a regular feeding schedule. Remember that a large pet needs a comfortable place to sleep with enough room to spread out instead of in a cubby hole that forces him to seek room alongside you in bed.
It’s essential to consider the impact a pet will have on your children. Think twice before bringing home a large breedof dog, such as a pit bull, rottweiler or chow chow, which are active and powerful breeds that can turn aggressive suddenly and unexpectedly. It’s unfair to the animal, who might have to be put down after an attack, and you could scar a child psychologically as well as physically.
Avoid aggressive breeds if your children are very young and apt to pull Fido’s tail just for the fun of it. A cat can be a safer alternative, though it may be necessary to have it declawed(be aware that many animal societies recommend against this, and many vets won’t perform the procedure unless it’s medically necessary). Don’t forget to consider allergies, which will be exacerbated by pet hair and dander.
Unless you settle on a fish, be prepared to deal with hair on the furniture, on the carpet and in the corners and in air ducts. The hairier your pet, the more you’ll need a top-notch vacuum cleanerwith plenty of attachments for reaching into tight spots, and under chairs and tables. If yours isn’t up to the challenge, do some online research to find the best option for maintaining a clean home.
Your schedule
How much time you can realistically expect to spend with a pet is another important factor and should be taken seriously. People with very busy lives and serious responsibilities at work that keep them away from home for long periods aren’t the best candidates for owning an animal that needs and craves love and attention. This is especially true of dogs, which are highly sociable animals. Here again, a cat can be a good option, but remember that cats require attentionas well and certainly won’t thrive in a neglectful living environment.
Dogs and cats are creatures of habit, and a change of living environment can be an unsettling experience. Take care to make your new pet’s arrival as smooth as possible. Set up a space just for him, in a quiet spot in a part of your home that’s not as heavily trafficked as others. Be prepared to spend time with your new family member in the beginning to help him make the transition, especially if you’ve brought home a rescue petwho’s been subjected to abuse.
It’s important to be realistic about providing care for the pet you choose. It’s unrealistic to expect that you’ll be spending hours every day with a pet, but you don’t want to bring an animal into a situation of benign neglect, no matter how unintentional. Use common sense and make a humane decision.
Courtesy of Pixabay.com.
Pax's first road trip!
Jarrod (my husband) and I love to travel. We usually leave the country 1-2 times a year and since we got Pax it gets harder and harder to leave. This year we decided to travel with him! Unfortunately, with my boating accident earlier this year we didn’t want to go to far or fly for too long so we decided on a road trip around california!
Pax loves the car. I think part of it has to do with the fact that he’s been in the car since day once and we drove 6+ hours home with him in my arms. When we go outside he always runs to the car and thinks we are headed somewhere.
We get asked a lot about our top road trip tips. A few months ago I posted about Brittany & Layla’s road trip and her tips. So here I am to add to the list from our own experience. We started our journey in San Diego and stopped in Orange County, Los Angeles, Monterey, San Francisco, Napa, Mendocino, & Santa Barbara. We chose those destinations one because we have family in several of them and also because they are very dog friendly. We stayed in hotels in San Francisco, Napa, and Santa Barbara. San Francisco we stayed at the Hyatt Regency - they are dog friendly! We stayed at a fabulous hotel in Napa called the Archer Hotel. They were absolutely pawesome!! Their concierge set up a wine tour for us at all dog friendly wineries. Lastly, in Santa Barbara we stayed at a Kimpton hotel called the Canary Hotel. Once again, beyond accommodating. We found all of these hotels through our chase points and then calling to confirm they are dog friendly. When we were checking in we had to fill out a few pieces of paper that references his breed/name/details..etc. Mendocino’s airbnb was very appropriate as it was on an apple orchid and had acres for him to run around. The restaurants weren't as friendly so we ended up staying in and cooking the few nights we were there.
Best way to find out if places are dog friendly is to google it, ask around, use yelp or bring fido. Most websites will also express if they are dog friendly!
Here are additional tips that I think are helpful:
We mapped out our journey to spend max 3 - 3 1/2 hours in the car. the one day we drove farther than that we stopped several times to let pax out and give him water.
Pax wasn’t hungry at his normal hours probably because of all the new settings so we brought a cooler of all his my ollie and put his bowl in there and kept trying to feed him when we stopped
Call hotels & activities (we went wine tasting for example) and find out if they are dog friendly or check out online.
Yelp is helpful (and you can search within the reviews) for dinner reservations in most areas
Bring Fido
Plain old google
Bring ALL grooming supplies
Pack towels - never know when you’ll need to wipe some paws!
Treats, chews, and only a few toys
Google local vets in the area before going
Make sure you understand local laws
Google dog parks and read the reviews!!
We brought both a pop up bowl for water and a dog water bottle for him
Hope this was helpful! Enjoy the road! xo
Toxic & Non-Toxic Plants for Dogs
When Pax was a little puppy, we noticed that he kept ripping leaves of our dracaena plant. We would find the leaves scattered around the house. At the same time, we saw he would throw up or have an upset tummy while displaying lethargy. When we went to the vet, they ruled out all parasites and other possibilities. I shared with our vet about the dracaena plant, and she let me know that it is mildly toxic to dogs and we should move the plant.
Luckily I am a black thumb and have a lot of fake plants in my house, but I do have three real ones. A fiddle leaf fig “figgy cent” who has since past (rest in peace), a snake plant, and the dracaena. Once I learned that specific plants could be dangerous for Pax, I began to research the ones we could not have in the house. Also, I just decided that being black thumb suited me and I’ll stick to the fake ones :)
Please be mindful with purchasing new plant babies and introducing them to your furry baby some of them can cause serious effects.
Here are just 12 toxic plants to dogs:
1. Autumn Crocus
2. Azalea flowers
3. Daffodil flowers
4. Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) houseplant
5. Tulip (especially the bulb)
6. Sago Palm (extremely poisonous)
7. Dracaena Plant
8. Fiddle leaf fig
9. Snake Plant
10. Ivy
11. Pathos (Devil’s Ivy)
12. Caladium (Elephant’s ear)
IF YOU ARE A GREEN THUMB! Don’t fret! There are dog-friendly plants to fill your house with :) Not all dogs eat plants or flowers so you may not even need to worry. However, just in case, make sure you know which plants are toxic vs. non-toxic and the signs to look for.
Here are some SAFE plants for dogs!
1. Windmill Palm
2. Purple Basil
3. African Daisy
4. Creeping Rosemary
5. Heuchera (Coral Bells)
6. Pineapple Sage
7. Polka Dot Plant
8. Canna Lily
9. Fennel
10. Snapdragons
For more questions take a look at the following links. The ASPCA & Humane Society both have entire lists of toxic plants for dogs. Always talk to your vet and do your research! Below is also a list of dog-friendly options.
Tips for when you work from home & have a dog!
Working from home has it’s major perks. One of the best parts about working from home is hanging out with my best buddy all day. It also has it’s benefits such as increased happiness, reduced stress levels, increased productivity, more hugs and exercise! But it’s not just as simple as us gazing into each other’s eyes all day. Many times throughout the day I feel guilty about Pax in the house too long or not surrounding him with furry friends all day. So, I make an effort (well, I use to before the accident) to take him on a good 20-25 minute morning walk a 15 minute late afternoon walk and take him to the park in the evening every night to run around with all his little friends. Right now, it’s been tough since I don’t mobility to take him walks and I can tell he gets restless. However, dogs are very intuitive and he’s been sleeping a lot while I’m recovering. When I’m on conference calls or have meetings I don’t have an office with a receptionist taking packages or answering other phone calls. It can get a bit noisy when I’m in my home office and amazon delivers in the middle of the day and Pax decides he’s the man of the house and says hello to the mail man.
Here are some tips that might be helpful!
Exercise your pup in the morning- they will then be ready for nap time! It will also be a great way for you to start your morning.
If you can try and take a break at your lunch time and take your dog out for a quick walk to stretch both of legs!
Don’t take yourself so seriously! Your pup might want your attention, bark, walk on top of your keyboard- it’s all OK! Enjoy these moments- they are reminders not to take life so seriously!
Hire a dog walker. Even though you are at home and you might feel like you “SHOULD” be able to do everything your job might not allow you the flexibility. This is a great opportunity to hire a dog walker or a friend that has a flexible schedule could help out as well.
Try puzzle games to entertain your pup while your working away at your desk.
LET GO of the mom guilt. It’s OK to entertain your pup and play a round of tug a war a couple times and give them a big belly rub.
It might be easier to let go of guilt to set up designated play times. It is also important for you to stay in charge and not to let whimpers distract you or to give in.
You may want to try crate training if your pup is a chewer or provide proper mental stimulation!
If you work from home and have tips- comment below!